Head of Mormon church Thomas Monson summoned by British magistrates’ court over Adam and Eve teaching
Temps de lecture : 3 min. Thomas S Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ordered to appear before British magistrates’ court amid claims that the…
Scandals and corruption, Yoido mega-church pastor sentenced
Temps de lecture : 2 min. The congregation is one of the richest and best-known of the South Korean capital. Its leader, David Yonggi Cho, found guilty of fraud to…
Sleep sacks: How members of ultra-orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahorcover themselves in bed
Temps de lecture : < 1 min. Women in the ultra-orthdox Jewish group Lev Tahor cover their bodies, even while sleeping. They say it was their decision to start wearing…
Baby to undergo blood transfusions despite objection of Jehovah’s Witnesses parents
Temps de lecture : 1 min. A High Court judge has given permission for a baby boy to undergo blood transfusions during an operation notwithstanding his parents’ objections on religious…
Breatharianism : Transcending Mortality Is As Easy As Eating McDonald’s Everyday And Breathing
Temps de lecture : 2 min. Recently Ukrainian model, “Human Barbie,” and self proclaimed time traveling alien Valeria Lukyanova claimed to be a follower of Breatharianism. In short, she thinks…
Temps de lecture : 6 min. Marly : les victimes de la prêtresse réclament des centaines de milliers d’euros Le Parisien – 18 Févr. 2016 – Frédéric Naizot Quel est…
Temps de lecture : 36 min. GOUROU, SUBSTANCES HALLUCINOGÈNES… UNE ORGANISATION CHAMANIQUE DÉMANTELÉE EN Espagne. BFMTV – S.C avec AFP, Le 17/01/2024 – La police avait repéré sur les réseaux…
Catholicisme et dérives sectaires
Temps de lecture : 20 min. Communauté Saint-Jean – Sous emprise LE 02/09/2020 – France Culture – A l’âge de 16 ans, Sophie s’est passionnée pour les enseignements de la…